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In order to resolve public disputes and provide legal assistance, the District selects passionate and fair public figures to form the Meditation Committee consisting of chairperson, commissioners, secretaries and assistants totaling 17 persons, who will spare no efforts to resolve public disputes in a fair and sincere manner.

(1)Civil matters: dispute over traffic accidents, dispute over lease of houses, dispute over debts, dispute over construction and mutual funds, etc.
(2)Criminal matters indictable only upon complaint: innocent injure by traffic accident, offense against good morals, offense against family, and dispute over medical treatment, etc.

3.Petition for meditation:
‧Made in writing: the concerned party may, personally or entrust an agent to, claim the written application form with the Meditation Committee and make the petition after completing the application form;
‧Made verbally: if the concerned party does not know how to read or is blind, deaf or dumb, the written application for meditation may be made by the Meditation Committee upon verbal petition made with the Committee.

4.Required certificates and licenses:
(1)Traffic accidents: referral application form for traffic accident of the traffic policemen, experts' written opinion, ID cards and seals;
(2)Dispute over lease of houses: photocopy of the lease, ID cards and seals;
‧Dispute over debts: promissory notes, checks, IOU, ID cards and seals;
‧Dispute over land: title deed, transcript of land register, re-surveyed map of construction improvements, ID cards and seals;
‧Other disputes: photocopy of profit-making business registration, company's seal, company responsible person's seal and ID card;
‧The minor concerned party shall provide the transcript of household registration showing his/her statutory representatives, i.e. his/her parents, and the guardian;
‧Persons who are declared interdiction or bankruptcy shall provide the court with the rulings announcing their interdiction or bankruptcy.

5.Legal assistance and advice:
Certain experienced and senior attorneys at law will be available to provide legal advice for free from 2:00 P.M. to 4:00 P.M. on Fridays in the District. Please make good use of such service.

6.Service attendants:
Secretary: Tel. No.: 06-2680622 #209, 210 Fax No.: 06-3364711